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Variable Speed Limits

SmartSensor HD is part of a system that lets Utah drivers know the appropriate speed to travel based on real-time traffic and environmental conditions.

Ramp Metering

The Utah Department of Transportation is utilizing the power of high definition, multi-beam radar to improve the efficiency of ramp metering along Interstate 15.

Traffic Signal Automated Performance Measures

The Utah Department of Transportation is using data from SmartSensors Advance and Matrix in an innovative program that publicizes the performance of signalized intersections.

Green Technology Deployment

South Korea’s third-largest city has adopted SmartSensor HD for an ITS system designed to improve efficiency and reduce pollution.

Integrated Traveler Assistance System

SmartSensor HD’s data helps keep visitors at Rhode Island’s T.F. Green State Airport better informed about current traffic conditions.

Vehicle Detection for ITS

SmartSensor HD is at the center of an ambitious project to combat the legendary traffic problems that plague Russia’s capital.

Moab Adaptive Traffic System

SmartSensor Matrix’s true presence detection at the stop bar has enabled Moab, Utah to implement a peer-to-peer adaptive system that addresses seasonal traffic needs at a fraction of the cost.

M1 Smart Motorway Scheme

SmartSensor HD’s true high definition radar is one component in a comprehensive system designed to ease congestion and manage traffic flow on one of England’s busiest motorways.

Dynamic Roadspace Utilisation Manager

Portable SmartSensor HD detection stations allow road managers to determine optimal times for lane closures on motorways, reducing congestion in work zones.

Temporary Detection Stations

SmartSensor HD’s accuracy, reliability and ease of use make it the perfect choice for temporary vehicle detection.

Vehicle Detection in Harsh Conditions

One of the world’s most progressive cities relies on the accuracy of SmartSensor HD’s true high definition radar to detect vehicle traffic even in severe winter weather.

Freeway Adaptive System

SmartSensor HD’s true high-definition radar is helping to keep traffic moving on Houston’s freeways and frontage roads.

Municipal Traffic Detection

SmartSensor HD’s accurate per vehicle speed data, easy installation and low maintenance cost make it an ideal detection solution for large cities.

Detection at Point of Entry Stations

SmartSensor Advance’s ability to detect multiple vehicles from over 600 feet away makes it an effective solution to keep traffic flowing at each Idaho point-of-entry station.

Truck Rollover Prevention System

The accuracy of SmartSensor HD’s dual-beam radar is helping the Texas Department of Transportation prevent semi-truck rollovers on a freeway connector ramp near Houston.

Adaptive Signal Control System

Accurate, reliable vehicle detections from SmartSensor Advance and SmartSensor Matrix are contributing to a successful adaptive system deployment in a high-traffic area of Houston.

Portable Airport Traffic Management

SmartSensor HD’s accurate and portable vehicle detections helped Heathrow officials monitor and direct traffic throughout one of the largest construction projects in modern history.

Stop Bar Detection

SmartSensor Matrix improves safety and saves tax dollars by preventing temporary road closures and reducing long-term maintenance costs at vehicle-activated intersections.

District 4 I-95 Express Lanes

SmartSensor HD’s true high definition radar accurately detects vehicle speeds, volumes and lane occupancies, allowing the Florida Department of Transportation to dynamically adjust Express Lane tolls based on current traffic conditions.

Zipper Merge Traffic Management

An innovative detection system uses SmartSensor HD’s true high definition radar to combat traffic bottlenecks caused by vehicles forced to merge due to lane closures.

Central Florida Expressway Tolls

SmartSensor HD’s true high definition radar provides the Central Florida Expressway with the accurate data needed to ensure that tolls are accurately charged and collected.

Stop Bar Detection of Bicycles

SmartSensor Matrix is part of a stop bar detection system at Utah intersections that gives green lights not just to drivers but also to bicyclists stopped at red lights.

Bicycle Detection

Two cities in Canada have discovered the power of SmartSensor Matrix as a replacement for loops in detecting vehicles and bicycles at intersections.

Rapid Sensor Deployment

SmartSensor HD’s true high definition radar installs and configures quickly without compromising accuracy or reliability — making it the ideal traffic monitoring choice for the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics.

Vehicle Detection for Preliminary Studies

SmartSensor HD’s true high definition radar helps traffic engineers in Argentina gather the data they need to modernize their country’s transportation system.

M25 All-Lanes Running Scheme

SmartSensor HD’s true high definition radar is helping to manage traffic, ease congestion and reduce costs on the UK’s M25 by contributing reliable data to Smart Motorways schemes like all-lanes running.

'Aiming for Zero' Loop Replacement

SmartSensor HD’s true high-definition radar is helping to make UK roads a safer environment for workers by eliminating the need for workers to be in or near active traffic flows.

Advance Tunnel Warning System

SmartSensor Advance and SmartSensor Matrix are integral parts of an Oregon system that notifies drivers of slow or stopped tunnel traffic in order to prevent rear-end collisions.

Intersection Advance Warning System

SmartSensor Matrix’s high-definition corner radar is helping to make a dangerous intersection safer as part of a system that warns approaching drivers of slow or stopped vehicles ahead.